Thoughts on SWG (Long multi topic post)
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- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Thoughts on SWG (Long multi topic post)
Hello out there you all,As you may or may not know SWG has been a topic of great interest to me. As a result I manage to pick up all the doo-dads (such as the skill point calculator, live vids out the nose, etc) and current news/updates as possible. Part of my research also had me looking pretty hard at the current PAs being formed, where people plan on going and what people plan on doing in general.So my gift to you friends, random forum readers, stalkers, wasks and others is a little scouting report. Any questions you have ask me. If I don't know the answer off the top of my head I know where to find it. If I don't know it or can't get it fairly quick then it's behind the NDA curtain.Starting Planet Tendencies:In a recent stratics poll they asked "What planet do you want to live on?"what planet will you want to live on? [620] 31.19% Corellia [53] 2.67% Lok [461] 23.19% Naboo [105] 5.28% Rori [79] 3.97% Talus [483] 24.30% Tatooine [187] 9.41% Yavin 4 Total Votes: 1988 Now there are 2 schools of thought on how to look at this information:1) Woohoo! Full planet rules! 2) Woohoo! Empty planet rules!My personal experiences with MMOs and a little foresight would lead me to go with school 2. An empty planet like Lok or Talus.But BUT BUT BUT Goats!!!! Empty planets are not where the cash is! That sucks cack! Let me help you on your quest to STFU (and I mean that in a nice way). LANDNo one on a planet means no one to fight over things with. You like that chunk of land? Would be a good place to build your town? On a populated planet everyone and thier 2 panty granny thinks so too. On an empty planet you'll be fighting 5 people for that chunk of land that would make a great city for a starting PA instead of 500 people on a crowded planet. This also means you can be building a HUGE city right under everyone's nose like a Las Vegas of SWG. Totally unhindered, and all YOURS.RESOURCESWant to be a miner or other people who get all the resources for crafters? Well you can do it almost totally unhindered on an empty planet instead of 500 miners yelling "Git away from my claim ya long eared varmint!" every 10 seconds.ECONOMICSEconomics will span across all the planets on this game. If you want to be a crafting type you can sell in your city, bringing people to the city to get your badass stuff that can't be acquired anywhere else. You can also hop on a transport to and sell it in the nearest really really popular city, might even have to be smuggled. But you'll have the freedom to create and gather resources in peace.EXPERIENCEI'll use classic EQ logic for this. 1) 100 things to kill, 600 people. This means a lot of waiting, fighting over who gets to kill what, ninja looting and other unpleasant things associated with lots of ass clowns concentrated in 1 place. 2) 100 things to kill, 6 people. I hope you can carry a lot of weight to bring back all that loot! Don't have to worry about not finding a group since it's not required like in a lot of games.JEDII know I want to unlock that FS slot and try my hand at one. I'm sure a lot of you out there want to also. With permadeath ever hanging over your head and PAs dedicated to Jedi hunting, being in a not so populated place where you can work up your skills and become a master isn't that bad of an idea is it? If you're in a populated area you'll be constantly looking over your shoulder.TIGHT COMMUNITYIf everyone knows everyone, and it's a tight community, then it'll be incredibly hard for outsiders to come in make trouble. In overcrowded areas for the most part people don't really give a hoot in hell who you are or what kinda trouble you're in. For the most part random members of the community will make problems worse just for the hell of it. They don't know you, so why care? In a tight and small community there is NO question who rules the area with an iron fist. And if you get rich fast enough it can grow to the point where no one, no matter how big can ever muscle in on your territory.*Professions*You can survive pretty well with a mix of professions. As a general rule combat types will be the poorest and the crafting types will be the richest. Some PAs are dedicated totally to crafting, others totally to combat. When recruiting why not try to mix it up and get as many of both as possible? Or even go on a crafting recruitment bringe? This way you have a pretty strong constant influx of cash for the PA account (PAs get a big overall account they can throw into). This will help build a strong and rich city. It will also prepare the PA for the upcoming space expansion. Now you have a city AND a fleet! You can do it with combat types only but it would take a lot longer. Wether you decide to go with a small PA or a large PA, I think it would be in your best interests to find a nice out of the way spot so you can build and work and progress in peace.*Factions*So far there is:RebelEmpireHutt (soon after initial release)I personally am going to go for Hutt faction, they say it will be allowed shortly after initial release. Why? Well, to my understanding Hutt faction is the one profiting from both sides of the civil war. Unfortunately they are not giving much information on this faction. But from what they DO explain about it, Hutt faction to me sounds like black markets, bounty hunts, piracy, gambling and all those other fun things Maimy Van Doren did in the movies.But I'm definately not going to go with rebel or empire. Neither of them fit my playing style really, or how I've always looked at the civil war.*Small PA or Big PA?*Well this is totally a matter of personal preference. If you would like a close group of friends only I would say a small PA. The only downfall'll most definately have to ask for outside help to do certain things. Things such as possibly not having a city all to yourself, or if no one in the PA is a doctor you'll have to be on the lookout for one. Things of this nature. In my personal experience as a leader of "Fight Club" with my bard Tyler Durden, this was one hell of a blast. If I'd not been caught for breaking naming rules we prolly would have kept going. There were certain things we could do in the game by ourselves, and certain things we were so good at we could do with less people than most other guilds. But there were also a lot of things we could NOT do because of our size.A large PA (excluding theme ones like bounty hunters only, etc) will be for the most part totally self sufficient. The downfall to this is you will have to come up with recruiting requirements, booting requirements, and give a certain number of people the power to recruit. If you have a good group of people who you know you can trust with this responsibility it rarely becomes a problem. In my personal experiece this was also a blast. I was an officer in a guild for a long time. Our recruiting was very simple. You lead by example and be cool. When you have a reputation as a strong guild people will start to seek you out. We would send out people to scout possible recruits for a few days and see how they handled all kinds of situations. As a result we didn't have an "Uber Guild", we had a big family where everyone went out of thier way to help each other out. And we could do pretty much what ever the hell we wanted. As for me? I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing yet. I'd like to see all the JK2 1.02 crowd on the same server, maybe even the same PA. But I'm debating either staying rogue and still hanging out with you all or try to join up in SWG.Either way I'll see you all there.
i thought it was great ... and i had a realy good thought ... and i cant remember itPS. your Tyler Durden? ... do you know a Gangbusta Lom? ... thats my big broi think ive seen you talking to him b4 ... mabey it was to his cleric...montey and Gangbusta is a high elf chanter and the cleric is a dwarfPPS. i rememberd it ... i think that we should pay some kinda of duesfor the city and have a treasurer or something ... and if we didnt pay dueswe would chop the non-due-paying losers head off (muhahahahahahahaha)no ... we would just not even think a thing of it ... so its kinda a volintarydues 

- Posts: 320
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Gangbusta? If it's the high elf chanter I'm thinking of...Ask him if he's ever done dire charm on a 60 warrior and had him KSing noobs for an hour and half in EC, and ruining his FP faction by killing the guards? I thought it was the most hillarious thing I ever saw. If THAT'S the chanter I'm thinking of (or similar name) that guy is beyond awesome.