Every Month we have either clan tournaments or other big games that take planning. Heres what up for this month.Event: Team Based Duel TournamentDescription: There are two teams of 8 duelers.There will be seeds like the college basket ball brackets. Your seed will depend on your skill level. 1 being the most skilled on that team and 8 being the ...umm...the person who haxs the least. Anyway it will go...8th fights the 1st seed and we pair them up like that. Each match will be a best of 5 then the championship will be a best of 10. Teams will be picked by me and some selected FoUsters. Seeds will be done the same way.Date: Sept 26th 2004Time: 5 PM EST Map: Bespin Streets*The First 16 To Sign Up Get Spots. Teams and Seeds will be made there after. Hope to see you there.