RaR, I love RPGS!!PS2 all the way! ;)But ontopic,, is Fable XboX only, or also for PC?I think it's an Xbox Exclusive Steppeh.But yeah, Jade Empire looks really cool with the heavy Asian influence throughout the game.
I was interested in Jade Empire a few months back but then I watched some trailers and stuff and the battle system started to seem boring. Don't really care about it anymore. KotOR 2 will be so much better
Fable is Xbox exclusive.....no PC port.Jade Empire looks cool but i'm taking a wait and see on that one. like Cloud said, the battle system looks a little boring.
Lies, the battle system looks plenty exciting, definitely more so then KotOR (speaking of KotOR, are Ender and I the only people who hated it?).*raises hand*
Lies, the battle system looks plenty exciting, definitely more so then KotOR (speaking of KotOR, are Ender and I the only people who hated it?).it's one of those love it or hate it games HanK. i personally enjoyed every second of it