Story of the day thread

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Post by Jordan »

Yeah, yeah, sometimes it sucks when people are immature about it, but it's probably one of the only things that keeps me around in SWG, anymore. It's really fun when you get a lot of people doing it. Back when I had novice dancer, (poplock owns you), it'd be fun to insult the guys who cam ein and tried to insult you. Fun stuff...wish there were more that di d it.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

lol gw of the funniest RPs i ever did was i made a guy named An' Old'Man on like some random server just when publish 10 came out. I talked to a wookiee but since i was a noob i couldnt comprehend his shyriiwook so i told him he was fat and moved on. The next guy i talked to i told him stuff that the old man would say and i handed him a maroj melon. his friend standing next to him said "you're not going jedi on me, are you?"
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Post by Pain-Killer »

some guy on radiant gave me 100k today L1ol!.with that money i could grind to artisan 3/3/3/3,gotta grind to 4/4/4/4 tomorrow.on lowca i earned some more badges on dathomir (this planet is so fucking uber gay,a ns destroyed my swoop and me Lol...) and dantoine (secksi planet with nice creeps).oh yeah grinded fencer 0/1/1/1 on lowca too.umm what else..oh yea...if you are bored combine blowing up things and crafting...Spam 50 times type11 fireworks in to the air!!!wohoo :romp:yes,i am crazy
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Post by GuessWho17 »

Woot, nice PK. Keep grindin' that fencer!
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Post by Jordan »

Okay, wasn't on last night, (don't have access to computers, except for at Teo's), but I remembered a story from around Christmas. The FoU get-together, ha ha. Thought I'd share it, because...Bob has a FoU Seasons Greeting card. I'd post it, but it's at home. So, Bob if you read this, you ought to consider posting it. Anyway, it was the funniest thing, cos I remember I had just reached Novice Pistoleer, and Master Medic. Anyway, the speeders had just been implemented, and I remember, cos...well, I was given one by someone, for Christmas, (and could barely afford to keep my house up, and I'm riding around a speeder) :wink: . Anyway, we all headed out to a Tusken camp, and I'm not sure on who was there, but as I remember...Tom, Cloud, Bob, Gemz, Taco, Cypher, and...I swear that Dai was there, but I don't think he was around that doesn't sound right. Heck, anyway, we sat there for what seemed ten minutes, before Bob died, and we just decided to head back. We didn't really head back, though, because I'm thinking that Tom's speeder had died or something, and Gemz didn't have one, so we all headed off over the ridge. I remember this part, because he was following someone, and I took a screenshot, as it looked like he was riding backwards. We arrive at the PA, and I think there we saw Jace, Kam, and...another random person I didn't know. One of Cloud's friends, I believe. I remember that whole night, I was thinking, "Who the heck is Wyeth?". Then we messed around the PA hall forever, and I don't know what we were doing. Maybe waiting for Cypher to come back. A half hour later, Gemz came running into town, and I felt bad, cos we just ditched her, lol. Then, after that, we spent another hour or so, lighting off fireworks. Bob was throwing a tantrum because Kam had the fireworks, but couldn't light them, and Bob was shouting, "GIVE THEM TO ME KAM! I KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM WORK!"I should have a screenshot of that somewhere. Maybe I'll post it when I get home. . Bob was a fish, in his Santa outfit, (btw, I just mistyped that, and realized that Santa, could also be Satan, weird, huh?) Anyway, Bob went afk for dinner, and we were sitting around, doing strange things, (FoU...I don't have to explain :wink: ). Bob came back, and we all started playing instruments and dancing on the PA steps. I'm thinking the third musician was Tom, and the other was Kam. And then of course me, right in the middle! Gemz was dancing on the side, too, and Bob stepped back and took a picture of it, and made an FoU greeting card!Anyway, we all ought to get together and do that this year. On Radiant, Lowca, Ahazi, Wanderhome, Kettemoor, I don't care! I just want all of us to get together, and have fun. That would be my the top of my Christmas list. Miller made fun of what I wanted to ask for Christmas, (new shoes :shock: ), but...this is what I'd want even more then that. For all FoU to get together on some game, and just enjoy having others around. It'd be nice to just have everyone around at once...we could just enjoy each others company, and have a grand time. :cry:
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

tomorrow im bringing the santa suit out of retirement. i still have that thing.
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Post by Jordan »

Speaking of which, that reminds me...Bob, I saw this screenshot at the official site of a guy called, 'Santa Claus', in the Screenshot of the Day. You need to make Bobkar fat. :D
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
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Post by Kamm »

DODE! I remember that, mainly cause I was looking through all my screenshots last night.
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Post by Jordan »

Oh, woops. Guess it was Apprentice that I had got, lol.But yeah, that was so fun! Guys, I really, really want to do something like that this year. I don't know what we could do...but something really cool. :) Anyway, there's a month to think about it, but anyway...Hobar was playing?! How come I don't remember aynthing about Hobar before August. :oops: Sorry Hobby.And, Cloud, if you see this, what was the name of your friend? It's really bothering me now. It started with an R...I think.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Darth Bob
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Post by Darth Bob »

if it was rion then thats outlaw.
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