I didn't get it (even though I liked the beta) but the lag should start clearing up once Blizzard gets people's monthly payments to actually support the servers, lol. :uwop:
After they did the server restart tonight the lag was totally gone. This game has impressed me so far, and I expect to be paying atleast the next few months for it, along with my other 2 swg accounts.
Well I have a lvl16 warrior on Skullcrusher and a lvl12 Druid on Elude. I'll make a guy on your server Anus if you'd like, possibally a Shaman since your Horde there.
Troll hunters get gipped. All trolls get a bonus to throwing things like knives and axes, but a troll hunter will be using a bow instead so it's wasted. Night elf hunters and troll rogues are the way to go.
ya if u guys like im in a clan of friends that i know in real life, we have like 20 members.stormreaver central timezone (the timezones dont actually matter, their r all on the west coast i think)like i said i was away for a week so i just started and im lvl 11 warrior, probally gonna get to lvl 19 b4 nights done.my name is Hizara hit me up if u feel like it