Today was like the craziest day. Ever.First I finished the Imperial theme park. Then got off for awhile. When I got back on, I was on Radiant, cos Bob needed a screenshot or something. Anyway, after we went clothe shopping, (I don't know why we did), I went to check my houses, then logged off, and went to Ahazi. My guild was having a dueling tournament, but I didn't really want to join, but just watch so I did. Then talked for a long time, and got off. An hour or two later, I got back on, to run the Warren. We spent probably an hour in preparation. Then, as we were about to leave, this mon cal rifleman asked us if he could join us

, so we let him come along. We finally got there, (without looking at a guide, or walkthrough) and got lost. Eventually, we looked at one, and thought we were doing everything right when...well, five minutes before us, Al walked in and DIED! But he didn't tell us how. Tay goes running into the room with the turret, so...I followed, and we died!

Anyway, after that we didn't want to re-try so we fished for like...two hours, and we caught 15 fish! This was on Dantooine, and we headed back to our town, and decorated the house with the fish. Anyway, after that I logged off, but it had been a crazy day.