why germany dai?Well, I'm like 80% German to start, but mostly it's because I find the German language to be very unique. I could just sit and listen to a native German speak the language all day because it just flows. Well, I guess I'm weird like that. O_oMy wife's twin sisters live in Germany. Her Mom was pure German and her Dad was Hawaiian. You just wanna go see Rammstien in concert beetch don't lie!
why germany dai?Well, I'm like 80% German to start, but mostly it's because I find the German language to be very unique. I could just sit and listen to a native German speak the language all day because it just flows. Well, I guess I'm weird like that. O_oMy wife's twin sisters live in Germany. Her Mom was pure German and her Dad was Hawaiian. You just wanna go see Rammstien in concert beetch don't lie!That's a perk.