The best part about PvP is when you kill a guy and they backtalk because you know you made that blasted imperial upset.Also ganking tef'd or unaware overts is very fun.The griefing factor, my friends, is the best part about PvP. While clearly unfair the outcome is amazing. The same can be said about scripting or hacking but of course Ganking is not (always) obtained by cheating.The large scale battles are a nice thing too, if both sides have equal strength and preferably less combat medics or jedi.
im lvl 51 and i think wow still pwnsinfact im pretty addicted, the whole freaking out at school cuz i couldnt play wow thing... yeahi mean the servers were down for 16 hours one day, that kinda made me flipout
im lvl 51 and i think wow still pwnsinfact im pretty addicted, the whole freaking out at school cuz i couldnt play wow thing... yeahi mean the servers were down for 16 hours one day, that kinda made me flipoutWTF go get a baseball bat, a baseball, and a glove and play a 1 man game. It is quite a challenge.
might as well play single player games if you dont like pvp
They called him Pre. The man who ran like fire every day, every race, wire to wire. The man who caused people to stop and say, I've never seen anyone run like that before. A runner who never paced himself, slowed down or quit. But Pre wasn't a runner.