Star Wars Galaxies Content Thread
Guys, here's what I need to begin with.1. The character/ Player Profiles of everyone in FoU who is currently active in SWG. It should have a layout just as Jordan wrote in his post, that's perfect for it. In the "others" section that he laid down, I would like to see:Server: Radiant or whatever other server they play on.Guild Status: In FoU guild, Soloing, in another Guild.Screenshot: A screenshot of this persons character.2. Game description; a brief description of the game, how it is played; its background story and major characters. Jordy, These would be best to start with. So FoU as a part of this game is outlined first, then we move onto the guides, etc. I wont assign anyone myself, you know more who has the most knowledge on what areas in the game, so you pick who you want to do what job.If you like, you can assign an added someone to do anything else you may want. You're in control here.

Guys, here's what I need to begin with.1. The character/ Player Profiles of everyone in FoU who is currently active in SWG. It should have a layout just as Jordan wrote in his post, that's perfect for it. In the "others" section that he laid down, I would like to see:Server: Radiant or whatever other server they play on.Guild Status: In FoU guild, Soloing, in another Guild.Screenshot: A screenshot of this persons character.2. Game description; a brief description of the game, how it is played; its background story and major characters. Jordy, These would be best to start with. So FoU as a part of this game is outlined first, then we move onto the guides, etc. I wont assign anyone myself, you know more who has the most knowledge on what areas in the game, so you pick who you want to do what job.If you like, you can assign an added someone to do anything else you may want. You're in control here.Alright, yes I agree. It would be best to start off with that.Maybe I'll post a thread in the SWG corner, we need to get all the SWG players currently. This is kind of an idea of who is active, and I'll be using SWG names, and then clan names in parentheses:Kameleon' Romeres - (Kameleon)Bobkar Dirthes - (Darth Bob)Genshu Himiko - (Daikatana Genshu)Cypher' Tae'Malas - (Cypher)G'ramps - (Gramps)Jace Kalaz - (Jacen)Jain'ara - (Jaina)Decado - (Bane)Guesswho - (GuessWho17)Aelebera Silverthorn - (Aelebera)Shad Vosiri - (Shadow)Wyeth Kayiske - (MasteredCloud)Erb Smokah - (ErbSmokah)Valeron Brightblade - (Valeron)Phearless - (Painkiller)Jorjoh Doffa - (Jordan-Doffa)I think that's a good haul of them, but there are probably a few I'm missing, and if anyone can catch them, two cookies for you!Also, kind of a stupid idea, but on the timezones that people usually play, I think we should all agree on an "FoU" time. That is, maybe Snaper's timezone, or...something. Something so we can be more united =pJust a thought...So, basically, I think we need to get everyones information, on the list I posted earlier, with Andy's added statements, or these ones:Server: Radiant or whatever other server they play on. Guild Status: In FoU guild, Soloing, in another Guild. Screenshot: A screenshot of this persons character. EDIT: I think that the server is a good idea. Will look pretty slick with all of us havingServer: RadiantLet's try and have Radiant for all our servers, and not really worry about other servers, yet. Sound good, everyone?As for the WP information, and such, I was going to get it yesterday, but ended up going to the Rebel Summit, ha ha. Will try and get it tonight. As for everything else, this is kind of what I would like to have from people at the moment, if they are willing to help:Jace - Yes, definitely I want you working on PvP thing. Get Dai into work with you, and see what you two can come up with. See if you can't list the PvP battles, where they are, who was there, who ended up winning, FoU members that were there, and if it is not too much trouble, write up a guide for PvP'ing. Make it specific to Radiant, though. I.E. refer to Radiant armorsmiths, and weaponsmiths. Give us good weapons, what professions work in PvP, etc.Bob - I want you to help me get some of this FoU waypoint stuff together. All I really think we will do is get the PA coordinates, houses around, members in currently, and timezones that people play in. Besides that, we can begin getting everyones information, and decide on options, and screenshot size tonight on AIM. Savvy?Gramps - WRite to your hearts content, but I don't know if we'll be implementing that stuff immediately. Write it up though, and write your experiences, and keep them somewhere safe, we will need it.Anyone else, if you have ideas for content (you want to write a guide, etc) contact me on AIM: FoUjordanOrMSN: jordan_2497@hotmail.comDon't email me on AIM, if that's possible. I don't check it =)EDIT: More feedback guys. I want to feel like a team. Any ideas you have so far, post them. And also, are we all agreed on getting the main game stuff down. For that, I meanguideshow to start a professiongood character buildshow to get in touch with FoUpeachy?
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
Name: Cypher' Tae'malas(Cypher)Home: Corellia, (insert waypoint)Professions: Teras Kasi Master, Master Rifleman, Medic, Alliance PilotSpecies: ZabrakRP Biography: N/ABiography: I met FoU in the summer of 2002. I became a FoU'ster in August of 2002, easily enough, i barged into Snape's private server and i was like let me in OMG... I got in. I've been FoU ever since and although i have questioned the sanity of our guild I've never doubted the bonds that hold us together. As a FoU'ster I've played many different games. Naturally I started off in Jedi Knight 2, playing this heavily for nearlya year i began to play it less as Star Wars Galaxies came out. I continued playing SWG and JK2, the moved on with the rest of the guild 2 JKA, then quickly realised it was shit and began to play only SWG and JK2. Enter Call of Duty. Many FoU'sters and friends of FoU played in a CoD latter(we pwned><). After a month or so this fell apart. Many months went bye and i began to get bored of SWG and JK2, me along with a few other FoU'sters(and EX-FoUster) began to play Lineage 2. I played Lineage 2 for nearly 9 months and worked hard to become high level and get good gear, but in January of 2005 my account was hacked and i lost everything. I then went back to SWG.Other:I Other:Owned Dai'sOther: BiographyCurrently Back in Action like teh transformers.
Name: Jacen Solo (AKA Jace)Home: Wherever the battle isSpecies: ZabrakSWG BIO: Genshu Himiko is the best 2 credit whore I know. Bio: I met FoU 3 years back, near the end of 2002. The first person i actually met and befriended was Jaina Solo, because I was Jacen Solo and in the star wars world, they are brother and sister. Before I joined FoU, I was a huge clan whore and belonged to a few clans. Solo, ENJ, STK, SFT, OOJ... i quit those clans after about 2 days. It was not until march or april of 2004 that I was admitted to FoU. At that point, that was my punishemnet for hanging around for two years
Anyway, I played jk2 and I still do frequently. I played galaxies for long periods of time and took some breaks. Im still playing now. I was also on our call of duty team, Fluffy Sunshine Brigade (we need to start up again guys!). I also did embark with cypher on the lineage 2 journey for the first week or so. I realized that this game was a huge grind and quit. I currently play jk2, wow, and swg, and am an active member on the forums. Other: Bob is a fatass...

If you're fresh, you're clean.
Good guys, but we don't quite need them yet.Still have to finalize the template for them with Bobbeh, but those will only have to be slightly modified, if at all.Second, Cypher, would you like to work with Dai, and Jace? I mean, it's up to them, but I think you're one of the better PvP'ers...The more minds we get on it, the more ideas we have.Will type some more in a minute. Got a ton of things on my mind to post.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!