my latest masterpiece

For our top graphical dawgs to show off their latest artistic accomplishments
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Post by Musashi »

Good work on this, you're progressing quite well.The background is ok, but basically that's all what's carrying this piece. The background. I suggest you do a bit of research into the use of 2D graphics, vector and typeography. I see no real structure between the spartan image and the grey beveled parts with the background. One thing about "abstract" (a term used losely in the digital art field), is that digital artists usually use random 3D objects to carry the piece, with a bit of airbrushing to add colour and depth, then they give it some description or name afterward to make people think it has some deep meaning when it doesn't (usually abstract takes an accepted form or image and transforms into something complex while still suggesting a simple idea or concept). Now people starting out like yourself, only have the basic skills to use and produce 2D designs such as this. So I suggest you practise creating works entirely with the 2D or vector design as the main focus. It'll help you produce better graphic design skills as a whole, which means better communication to the viewer and more intense reactions to a piece of work.So yeah; reasearch, develope and design (meaning think about a project before starting it); 50% of the design process that is.Nice to see you trying, I like the fact that more of my clan mates are taking an interest in something that most of my creative life is based around.
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ
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Post by Spyke »

What i need to learn is how to craete vector images
Posts: 6821
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Musashi »

Well, vector is easy; I do believe Desu has links for Pen Tool tutorials that could help you.Basically though, vector is an image controled by some sort of mathimatical code that allows it to be resized without losing quality. At this stage you don't need to worry about it too much, it's mostly used for professional design when something needs to be used in a number of formats and on a variety of media.But, it's always good to start on. I suggest you find yourself Adobe Illustrator, it's all vector.
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Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by QuidBoy »

Good work on this, you're progressing quite well.The background is ok, but basically that's all what's carrying this piece. The background. I suggest you do a bit of research into the use of 2D graphics, vector and typeography. I see no real structure between the spartan image and the grey beveled parts with the background. One thing about "abstract" (a term used losely in the digital art field), is that digital artists usually use random 3D objects to carry the piece, with a bit of airbrushing to add colour and depth, then they give it some description or name afterward to make people think it has some deep meaning when it doesn't (usually abstract takes an accepted form or image and transforms into something complex while still suggesting a simple idea or concept). Now people starting out like yourself, only have the basic skills to use and produce 2D designs such as this. So I suggest you practise creating works entirely with the 2D or vector design as the main focus. It'll help you produce better graphic design skills as a whole, which means better communication to the viewer and more intense reactions to a piece of work.So yeah; reasearch, develope and design (meaning think about a project before starting it); 50% of the design process that is.Nice to see you trying, I like the fact that more of my clan mates are taking an interest in something that most of my creative life is based around.*takes notes,* uh huh, vectors...yeah! 2D and 3D, mmk, OH intense reactions, ah k, i'll go try, i'll post my pic up, BRB!!!
Posts: 6821
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by Musashi »

What can I say; I'm passionate about this stuff.
Posts: 3463
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by QuidBoy »

alrighy then, i totally did[size=4:01ffa162c6]n't[/size:01ffa162c6]make most of this pic from scratch, yeah, dont mind the scribbles, its the black death coming to attack master quid cheif.[size=4:01ffa162c6]accually its to cover up that i didnt make this, and its property to bungie[/size:01ffa162c6] you can use it as a wallpaper, i dont care [size=4:01ffa162c6]but be sure to ask bungie[/size:01ffa162c6] :D [size=4:01ffa162c6]thanks to bungie for making the pic, yeah, i appriciate it. but dont tell anyone that [/size:01ffa162c6]
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