None Digital Art Types (Paintings)
None Digital Art Types (Paintings)
These are the shittiest photographs ever, but they were taken with my crap digital camera with no flash or tripod. So fuck you if you can't see them properly.Number One: This was a college art project; produce a piece of media that can be viewed in a public place (bar, office, etc), created entirely with traditional methods. In my case, paint. Including spray. Some of you have already seen the original digital version of this, so it may look familiar. Two: This happens to be a surreal/ technical/ graffiti piece. The canvas was painted with a very light blue on the background and using a sponge, dragged down the canvas to give it a damp effect (you'll notice the white near the top where it did not reach). The darker blue paint was applied in large amounts and left to drip down the canvas.Once done, the canvas was turned upside down and finished with the black spray, splatters and so on. Creating the impression that the paint is falling as it were, upward.'m not a very strong painter, but I like techy and abstract works; so I produce them as well as I can. Enjoy.