at least bob can get the scripting to work ... lol ... btw can someone plz tell me how to make a scrips for like the {map "ffa_yourmaplongname "map name"type ctf cty duel ffa holocron jedimaster team"}is that how you do it?mabey i can get trippys email and he can help me? *croses fingers*
you know wut ... i got the scripting right ... it just doesnt work :/ can you make me a script or something ... cuz its realy getting frustrating for me lol
Hey Chrono, you think Shroom and the rest of you 'Map Makers' were all stars by your second map. Why don't you go back to your shantes. Give Trippy a break, he is trying his best. And if Shroom was that bothered by it he would have come to these forums himself or made a complait to us.