This is Story two in the Series I like to Call "Musashi And Zak Lover Theater" Enjoy. After thier whole Romp at Buger King Mus and Zak are called in to their bosses office the next day. Their boss had seen them on the survalince camera and on top of that mus and zak forgot to clean up thier mess. (apparently someone had a funny tasting pickle on their whopper) while getting the lecture zak spots the video tape on the desk and an opened box of klenex and some in the trash can but didn't think anything of it. After yelling at them thier boss had no choice but to fire them. Feeling rejected they take shelter in a near by KFC. Eating and talk about their dearly departed job Mus Flings zak on the table and starts the Buger King scene all over again. Pulling move only seen in PornO movies drove zak into ectasy. Feeling fresky zak spot a near by chicken leg bone and with a quick motion the bone find shelter in the confines of mus's ass. While all this is going on the near by people (stopped eating) are disgusted and some shouts and "yeah you go" are coming from the back of the resturant apparently their romp has some gay friends. Well so the finish and are about to leave when a cop grabs them and brings them to jail.Will they find friends in jail or just some more partners...Find out in the next story.