Team Name
that's why i was thinking some <FoE> action because crash and possibly other {FT}'s (crash's friends. ) may be joining us? :block: and so yeah. ph yeah, here's a rough sketch bannah i did for FoE if we keep the name. i dont really like the banner that much though... something is missing... and my ingame name? hmmm. dunno. probably gramps. or shyguy.
that's why i was thinking some <FoE> action because crash and possibly other {FT}'s (crash's friends. ) may be joining us? :block: and so yeah. ph yeah, here's a rough sketch bannah i did for FoE if we keep the name. i dont really like the banner that much though... something is missing... and my ingame name? hmmm. dunno. probably gramps. or shyguy.nah FT probably won't be joining us (they are gay and dont like good games ).....gramps that banner is soo cool! can you make me a leet banner instead of the one with a chick in name in it is Pie with the first letter orange and the last 2 white.....and maybe put a pie in it with a gun but make the pie smirking or grinning.....that background would be perfect for it!!