Story of the day thread
Oh my dear god.i bet no one is going to believe me, but in the one day that my parents let me play (that is, until February 25th when i return again!) I am now 4/4/4/0 Doctor!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I LOVE MYSELF!!!!VIVA LA STIM C's THAT JORDY GAVE ME!!!AND YEAH FOR STIM C'S!!!!!and PET TUMBLE!!!! WOOT WOOT! :Dalso, i helped shad later this night grind some doctor, with the pet trick, adn my mom comes in and was like (since i was sitting under the pet) why is that thing bobbing up and down humping your body?!it was great. she thought it was pornographic, and i explained he was hopping like a kangaroo. :lmao:

Not bad, Gramps!Already caught up to me, and I've been working on it for months!I'll need to get to crafting, just to keep up!haha! speaking of which... er... do you have about 28800 things of fiberblast and the other thing i needed for the advance biological effects.
you know, just on the side.
actuallly ive been thinking, maybe i should just do novice artisan for that little device and the surveying, and just dig them out of the ground me-self, and then drop it for tkm... 
