I dont know where to find the ones Ive uploaded!Under every post you make is a 'Profile' button. If you click that and then use the 'Attachment Control Panel' link it will show you all the files that you've uploaded and give you the option to delete them.Mucha <3 Now for some unviolent ones for Jordan...that is...if he even likes them :roll:Inspiration from the fat lady on Monster Hunter.
I dont know where to find the ones Ive uploaded!Under every post you make is a 'Profile' button. If you click that and then use the 'Attachment Control Panel' link it will show you all the files that you've uploaded and give you the option to delete them.Mucha <3 Now for some unviolent ones for Jordan...that is...if he even likes them :roll:Inspiration from the fat lady on Monster Hunter.You did some for me? Frankly, I'm flattered!
oh yea, right now im also working on a good pic. Hopefully it comes out the way i want to. I finally reliezed what the Material gun does! 8) TY KAM!!!!!!! 8)
thisisnt that pic i was talking about, but i figured why not post it.Kam helped with the CT in the office pic and also put that pic in the middle of the O.