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Post by DaikatanaGenshu »

It looks like I may be getting into MxO sometime in the near future, at least if the CU remains as sucky as it is on TC.
Posts: 2021
Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm

Post by GuessWho17 »

It looks like I may be getting into MxO sometime in the near future, at least if the CU remains as sucky as it is on TC.LOL CU is sad, and they are totally changeing the Jedi trees the fucking liars ROFL. I can quote so many times they have said few changes to Jedi are coming, and they are already balanced for the CU LOL what a joke... just looking at the lightsaber tree the main special there is dervish, not even dervish2, and its at the masters box. Its really, really sad... and they still are going under the NDA bs. Why don't they just talk already, cause everyone knows whats going on from looking at the .tre files...
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