Many have quit...
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Many have quit...
But regardless of what anyone says, the CU has come out to be the best thing that has happened to SWG. I do miss my Dervish 2 animations, and the god like Jedi abilities, but it was all for the better. The new wookie planet is amazing... so much many quests... so many new weapons and armor...ships... items...LEWT!!! CYBERNETICS TOO!Click ME!Anyways, I just wanted to explain to people who tried the CU on test center and quit... because its totally different on live. Grouping is so kick ass fun, and your encouraged to group now. Hell, I'm CAPPED at +4million -Jedi- expierence from a few days of just playing around in the group and doing missions. Thats 20 million normal weapons expierence. Like I said, the animations may just be "meh" now, but all in all its pretty fun. Ranged players now are where its at (like it should of been,) since they can now root (hold something in place) and snare (slow stuff down.) And like... most of the specials actually do what they say. Last ditch does huge amounts of damage, but depeletes the guy of nearly all his action and mind. It IS a last ditch. Stopping shot STOPS and roots the player, like it says. Disarming shot disarms the player for a few seconds. Cover up makes the rifleman disappear off the map and his name disappears. I can go on and on, so many awesome features with this CU, and best of all, new weapons and armor. CyberneticzzzWeaponzSome new shipzEven space miningz0rzAnd this upcomeing patch, something kick ass. Multi-Passenger VEHICLES! You can now ride people in that ugly x34 landspeeder... or show off your av-21. You can now drive over 3 people at once with the new speeders as well. Can we say BH gank squad in one dot? I know I would love to have one come after me if it was like that!Some VehiclesAll in all, you can say the CU sucks, SWG sucks, or whatever, but you will be talking out of your ass until you actually try it now.
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Oh ya and my friend uses my account, "Taco Bell"And hes a Master BH on Radiant....but its not me....But he says thanks to which ever u guys gave him the free composite armor.
:lol:Twas me that gave him the comp.Jordan, you can't say it sucks. You guys chose to play on Radiant, and everyone seemed to quit. Me and Raun play everyday on Lowca, and the guild were in is full of a bunch of great guys. Hobar may be resubscribing soon at that. Its your opinion, but they did fix a lot of things in it. If its too late for you, then thats that. But don't say SWG sucks just because the last time you played it it sucked.And bob, I'll get some screens tommorow. Theres so much crap on the wookiee planet that I sort of need to think of what I want to screenshot. As far as the weapons go... sure... you saw them, but you had no idea they were going to be as cool as they are. The Proton carbine that I have is really really good, and it shoots blue laser bolts. When it makes contact, it looks like puffs of ice shattering. Its really neat! And wow, I was watching a commando with some rifle today and it looked like he was literally shooting a laser beam. Not bursts of it, but a large giant ray beam. It looked kick ass! It really is only self explanitory as far as the weapons go.