Battlefield 2
Yes, I will be playing this one too. Although it makes me a hypocrite.Anyhoo, I blogposted on this one, and I'd like to quote it here:So, earlier I talked about a RTS/FPS Hybrid and I used Battlefield 1942 as an Example. Well, it looks like Battlefield 2 is incorporating this ideal.From the Official Site: Enhanced team play features allow players to enter the action on the front lines as part of a formal squad, or work behind the scenes in Commander Mode to direct the strategic assaults of their teammates. Character Persistence and Growth. With in-game success, players increase their rank from recruit all the way to General and unlock new weapons, medals, and more. And I quote: How about an RTS/Battlefield Mix. This theory could also be applied to the Ender’s Gam themed game. You have a normal battle, like Battlefield (doesn’t have to be the same era or genre, just something where you have first person control of a team unit), but you also have a general, or commander. Someone that tells you where to go, a player that sees the map as an RTS screen, and can ’select’ you. Now obviously, he won’t be able to directly control you, but he is your hive mind. He is your sattelite. He can see the battle map and knows where you are needed most. Perhaps if you don’t comply with his instructions, he can ‘bench’ you for a specified time. Of course a forseeable problem is in the players themselves. Will they be diciplined, or mature enough to play the game, or will they abuse the commander power they have and waste games by sending their men to death. Generally, I don’t think so. But, just so that everyone gets a fair shot, there could be a graduation system. Much like an MMO, but not quite so involved. If a commander sees you doing well in a battle he might promote you to squad leader or some such. You now have a mixed control. You can direct your subordinates via a minimap of the battle (but you can only view portions of it, the area directly affecting you), but you also control your character, lending battle experience, and perhaps controlling a special tactical weapon. If you do well, the commander promotes you again to such-and-such rank, and so on and so on.Needless to say, I’m really excited. I’ve seen a lot of E3 footage and it looks like Battlefield 2 isn’t just a rehash of the game. This is what I want to see, ‘Enhanced team play’. They spell it out. You found this in America’s Army, but people tended to not like the game because it was very tactical. Instead of running into a frag fest, you waited, you checked, you looked, you .. were tactical.
[quote:1e308223cf=Snape]BTP have one here and they use it to organise upcoming matches, strategies and homosexual fantasies. I lurk there for the latter.[/quote:1e308223cf]

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