Uh oh whos got a jedi?
Uh oh whos got a jedi?
oh noes! Exclusive footage from my jedi.notice the leet hilt. And sorry in advance for the quality i know it sux.
If you're fresh, you're clean.
- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
GJ Jace, too bad its not on Lowca! You will now see how rough it is to deal with BH's, and if you ever need any advice with how to grind, what to grind, where to grind, or anything in general about Jedi (Such as crafting an LS, what crystals to use etc) then hit me up and I'd be glad to share. Also, I'd suggest doing Two-handed if your not doing master LS, 0404 Lightsaber is really good right now. It has armor break and is basically the best over the three. With that being said, you also should work on getting novice defender and 1000 healer asap.Oh yea heres something to tick you off! Notice the Jedi xp.http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick ... 9&warned=y
- FoUster
- Posts: 2797
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
alright ill tell you my secret. I started grinding friday night actually, and finished wednesday, i finished my padawan trials yesterday. What you first need to do, is to check your quest journal (the spiked force crystal thing) and see which ones you have completed. You need 6 quests completed or 6 trees unlocked (you may have some free unlocks on your toon if you have hologrinded). Each tree has 1,250,000 xp in it. Get 6 trees and wait around for the old man once your done. I did bol missions on dantooine Mining outpost. Keep in mind I was finished so fast because i did it in double xp weekend, so i was getting around 14k a kill. The best template for grinding would have to be MBH/whatever, because you can cap rifles, pistols, and carbs, which saves a lot of trips to the village.And gw, I already picked up all the novice boxes except powers, and got 1 skill in the techniques tree in LS. Im going up the two handed tree, and i think I will get the first healing box soon. I just cant find any crystals anywhere, and my saber isnt that great, although its a fourth gen, my crystals tuned to be like 50-65. I have some resources, but i have no clue where to get more once im out. Oh yeah and my jedi is on radiant

If you're fresh, you're clean.
lowca is the worst decision anyone ever made.not moving to lowca, not making lowca, just lowca.rofl and with dai and i as respec BHs well wtf i dunno but yeah BH is pretty good for grinding just as jace said for the triple cap. The cap is also almost 300k larger than before so it will reduce village trips even more.I'm not sure about combat xp cap though, but ive only capped combat xp once ever and that was after i mastered TKA a while ago....