Uh oh whos got a jedi?
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
gw is bribing youhe wont give you love or compassion like the people of radiant doi asked some random imperial on the street to help me with a registering problem and he gladly accepted even though i was clearly dressed in rebel attire and had a rebel title above my big head.you can find a leveling group very easily at the dantooine outpost, it is no difficult task.NRA is a big guild with a nice city and a history on radiant, ive just been to lazy to join it.but of course demanding for items is not very nice anyway, you can give a zabrak a rifle but you have to be able to teach him how to use it in order to be successful.

- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
well on radiant i have a TKM mast doc with a number of stages done in village...and only 200k cred?! cheap ass i gave ppl 500k when they started out!!!!Try doing that when theres 5+ people just starting out on Lowca. I said I start them out with 200k, not saying thats all you get.. when you need more you get more!And bob, how dare you! I am CAPPED at 4 Mil Jedi xp, and I get absolutely nothing from helping these cats doing missions except fun and laugher. I'm not trying to bribe anymore here, I'm offering a quick easy startup and some guarenteed fun. Gramps himself makes the group a party, but with a bunch of other people its really fun. For instance, today Gramps, Hobar, Pennstate, and I were doing missions on Dantooine. It seems to be in my actions that I must saber throw all babies before actually doing the mission. Half way through, Gramps pulls a Dai! "Uhh, gw... bathroom in 5?" You know THAT is sexy!!!!!!
im seriously considering picking this up again cause im so bored...i just bought jade empire, god of war, dynasty warriors 5, and not to mention i still have halo 2 and WoW i play....but im sooo bored. i dont get it. gunz is interesting but i can never play it so im thinking since like 2 expansions have come out mayb this will do me till college next semester

- FoUster
- Posts: 2797
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
gw is bribing youhe wont give you love or compassion like the people of radiant doi asked some random imperial on the street to help me with a registering problem and he gladly accepted even though i was clearly dressed in rebel attire and had a rebel title above my big head.you can find a leveling group very easily at the dantooine outpost, it is no difficult task.NRA is a big guild with a nice city and a history on radiant, ive just been to lazy to join it.but of course demanding for items is not very nice anyway, you can give a zabrak a rifle but you have to be able to teach him how to use it in order to be successful.yeah... bob IS pretty sexy
WasntMe... ShutUpYouFuck!