my computer got an bad error
my computer got an bad error
i turned on my computer and i got a blue screen and this error unmounted_boot_volume and i cant use my computer so i guess i wont be much in contact with you guys anymorei have found out the solution though....if i am able to get hold of a boot disk ( a Microsoft CD Installer ) i can use it and start my computer again from scratch, but unfortunately i cannot get hold of one, as they do not really sell them much in the UK, i would download it but i do not own a computer which i can download with so i guess its farewell my jk2 friends until i get this problem sorted.I'll try to be back as soon as i can.Shillon Mishima.
this happened to me bout 2 month's ago, when you got your computer you should have got a reeboot floppy disk with it its called the recovery disk it has a little cartoon ambulance on it, it is red with white writing on it go look for a disk like that, if you cant find it go to your nearest currys or pc world to get one ~chuck~
R.I.P {FoU} Tiberius. (Old Man)Allways loved, never forgotten.