Swg EMU!
Swg EMU!
A few weeks ago i got word of a swg emu (emulated server) that is pre cu and under development. I thought i would share this for the hardcore swg players in here. Basically it works the same as the wow servers, except it is going to be ran by a team of developers that are NOT soe (thank god). I was doing some research on it (they even had a site) but had to close down their forums because some noob went on the swg boards and went "z0MG t3h swg is g0ing t0 b3 3mulated l0lz."Pretty much, if soe closed their servers this one would still be able to remain open, so if soe does close the servers they cant do a damn thing about it. (oh yeah it would be free too if it came out)Basically as of now they are looking for developers to join their team who can program in c++, so if you know any c++ programers that will work on the project, nows the time. Im actually taking a programing course at school this year. We got decent comps, im not sure what level it is though. Weeeenerday
If you're fresh, you're clean.
- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
So the fuck what? Pre-CU fucking blew. Needed doc buffs for everything. Screw that nigga.Word. Dai do you play NGE or have you quits?Word.Also, Pre-CU was great. I loved it. I only needed doctor buffs to play, and not 54 hours of play a week. And for the record, yes, that is my neck. can I have it back? I kinda need it.
And then Akon was like, Wooohooo! YEEHOOO!
- Posts: 5829
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm