{FoU} vs =LM= Manhunt challenge
4 or 5 pm EST...koolwe can always make more sluts.....I mean slots, for our server to accomadate. You guys might have more than we will have participating but I will try and rally everyone together to do this! We could do it at fou server depending on the conditions once we gather together.You guys want it passworded? If so let me know and I will pm snape the pw.Gonna be great fun!Sure will!We're looking at around 10 FoUsters at least (hopefully!) so it depends how many LM dudes could be there. HoP is 20 slots, but we can increase this for one night if necessary, or depending on how many you can accommodate we could do it on yours.I think it will need to be password protected though, if you let me know the password I'll pass it on to my guys. Also, what maps are we thinking of doing? Helms Deep is a definite, HangoutV2 and LM Bespin (or was it Streets?), what about Country Academy as well? We've had some fun manhunts on that one as long as it's agreed the maze is off limits!

- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Well I still haven't heard back from Binger regarding passwords, so just turn up at HoP around 4pm EST and we'll either go on from there or manhunt between ourselves if we can't find any LM dudes.Maps to get are:Helm's Deep: http://www.fouclan.com/modules.php?name ... =70Country Academy: http://vnight.fouclan.com/Maps/countryacademy.pk3The HangoutV2: http://www.fouclan.com/modules.php?name ... t&lid=18LM Streets: http://www.levelingmechanism.com/home/m ... t&lid=43LM Bespin: http://www.levelingmechanism.com/home/m ... t&lid=89So no excuses!

- Posts: 36
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
should have made a post a little earlier for this but....no need to occupy HoP. we have a few servers and I am going to use of of our servers which won't be hard to miss for the clan match.=LM= vs {FoU}password will be LMvsFoUhope this isn't too late getting this on your forums. I will go ahead and get the cfg goin.I am thinking helms_deep and LM_Bespin_v11 for the maps. I need to do more work on The Outhouse map because of a couple inherant problems and will cause a net_chan process length error. Until then I will be working on bespin_ruins_v6...and just maybe I can have that uploaded by the time of the match or shortly after sometime. You guys are really gonna like v6....guaranteed!!!! And we look forward to the clan match today. I will make it 32 slots pw'd so all who are gonna join may join. I would estimate at least 10 from =LM= as well. once the time comes we may decide further options or suggestions before we get this started.See fou there!
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Well, aside from the whole misunderstanding at the beggining (we couldn't figure out what to do!!!) it happened to be a bunch of fun. I enjoyed the manhunt, but I enjoyed the CTFing even more. Now, I know I suck at CTF, and I don't play it very often, but I think we should have another really big get together for some more CTFing. For some reason when I CTF with random people I just don't feel like I'm having that much fun. So lets try and get another CTF game day (with a manhunt game too!) again in the near future!!!PS: If this was a match between clans, I'd say Jaina won hands down.