VIVA LA KEEP POSTING SHITwell it's 2:00 and i'm kinda drunk. missed a 11:00 exam... <---not giving a fuk. kinda drunk. well i guess i better go talk to monica next door. you know what. my friends all call me MR. Automatic H i get sautomatic head.<----hi... good to meet u.. what's ur name. o, ok. well then my place in 5 then.... wata ya know. sautomatic H. never fails. ladies just like my stuff. so do stuff to this.
*wonders if G means.......Gay?* :lol:no. G means Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! you know, like Tony the Tiger. the dude with Frosted Corn Flakes. and he'd ride bikes and shit, and be all like "They're Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!" well fuck the corn flakes man, it's all about true Gs, not some sugar coated bitch-ass of a cereal. VIVA!!!!!!IT WAS A JOKE U MORON!!!!
*wonders if G means.......Gay?* :lol:no. G means Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! you know, like Tony the Tiger. the dude with Frosted Corn Flakes. and he'd ride bikes and shit, and be all like "They're Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!" well fuck the corn flakes man, it's all about true Gs, not some sugar coated bitch-ass of a cereal. VIVA!!!!!!IT WAS A JOKE U MORON!!!!AS WAS MY RESPONSE YOU ANUS!!!