Ok gang I'm thinking up gametypes for the May tourney (which will take place within the next couple of weeks I hope) and I was thinking of perhaps not using any of the gametypes on offer but devising a few games of our own for this months special... FoU Olympics! (Yes, a better name will be devised soon... Game of the Gods or something).Here are some suggestions:Last Man StandingSo we pick a big multi-roomed map such as ffa_fou2 or TMBJ. Then everyone goes off and has 5 minutes to hide and prepare for the event to start. Then basically once the game starts its a case of waiting/hunting whatever you feel like. The premise being that once you die, you're out - you have to go into spectate and remain there silently. No whispering to people where others are hidden, a log will be created for the event so we can check to make sure noone is cheating!!!Anyway the winner is obviously the last person alive. How you go about being that person is up to you - u can team up with people if u want but ultimately you may be faced with fighting your companion if it comes down to it, or they might just saber you in the back when ur not looking!Get Miller!If he agrees to this one of course! The idea here being that you have to hunt and kill Miller by no other means that saber throws... no other force is allowed... except by him! He can do whatever he pleases; choke, push, speed etc whatever it takes to stay alive, but everyone else cannot use any force other than saber throws. That includes speed, absorb etc. The event will be spectated so any cheats will be asked to kill themselves to lose one valuable point. If you kill anyone other than Miller, same rule applies. First person to kill Miller 3 times (or maybe 5

) wins.Rat RaceWe need a specially designed map for this one which will basically consist of a speedway racetrack which is enclosed so you can't cut corners or anything. Then everyone just has to race from start to finish with the winner being first person to cross the line. Oh yeah, and anything goes! Pull, speed, kills... whatevers your poison!

Royal RumbleUsing the ring at TMBJ, groups of 6 people have to fight it out in the ring, elmination requires touching the ground outside of the ring (god mode will be on to avoid being killed but knockback will still be helpful). The winner of each group is the last person inside the ring and will then go through to the final Rumble which pits the winners of each group against each other!!! More ideas to come, just want a fun varied day where everyone can come and take part (from FoU of course

). Let me know if you have any other ideas, what you think of these etc. and we'll go on from there.