And now for something completely different!!!
AssisianationThis is rather easy consept, you can use snipers or just sabers only.This is in TFFA Mode and what happens is...Red Team-Has 8 Players And One of the eight is a President.The red team has to guard the Presdietn with their lives...and heres why...Blue Team-4 Players All assisains and they have to kill the President or any guard that gets in their way...To Win...Red Team Victory- Each Round Is 15 Min Long, and if the red team holds off the blue team for the whole time, they win.Blue Team Victory-Just kill the President within the time limit.Map-Not Sure Yet, maybe Death Star....Thats one idea....

Lol Bloody hell Taco I was about to post a game almost identical to that! No need now tho!!! Was gonna say saber only tho cos snipers would be impossible to protect against.Zero-G UprisingA game many of us have played before but had a giggle while doing so. The uprising2 map while detested by some is ideal for it. Basically gravity is set very low, like 100 or something and the only weapon you're allowed is snipers. Half hour event, winner being person with most kills at the end of it. However, Gheed owns this event.

though im not FoU i have an idea ... its very similar to some of your ideasbut its mush that realy made this up ... its calledKTP (or Kill The Princess)and it is also set in helms deep ... you have to assine one person to be thePKer (Princess Killer) and a person to be the princess and the rest are guardsthe object of the game is for the PKer to kill the Princess its not realy a good tourny game ... its just kind of fun cuz you cant realy score pointsbut you could make it a point thing ... everyone gets a chance to be the PKerand gets 15 mins to kill her (or him) and we could have 2 rounds or something like thatits realy not designed for tourny
Anyway...THAT ROYAL RUMBLE IDEA WAS MINE SNAPE AND YOU KNOW IT!!!! PAY UP CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE SUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anyway I was thinking of a game type...I call it!'The Keeeeeeeeela!' How it would work is that 1 person out of a group of people is chosen to be the 'Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeelaaaaaa' his job will be to kill everyone else...the catch is...everyones name will be the same, 'Padawan' Meaning you really cant point out who the killa is...you could stick with a team but what if your team member was the killer...hmm hmmm!? for the people being hunted to win they must survive for a certain amount of time OR kill the killer. (this game would be improved if the killer was somehow stronger then the others to make it a little easier for the killer)
- FoUster
- Posts: 1434
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
though im not FoU i have an idea ... its very similar to some of your ideasbut its mush that realy made this up ... its calledKTP (or Kill The Princess)and it is also set in helms deep ... you have to assine one person to be thePKer (Princess Killer) and a person to be the princess and the rest are guardsthe object of the game is for the PKer to kill the Princess its not realy a good tourny game ... its just kind of fun cuz you cant realy score pointsbut you could make it a point thing ... everyone gets a chance to be the PKerand gets 15 mins to kill her (or him) and we could have 2 rounds or something like thatits realy not designed for tournyYeah, I invented that!