Another one of those Dirge of Cerberus threads
Another one of those Dirge of Cerberus threads
Holy crap, I just found out that the game is gonna have online multiplayer.go to the official site here http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dcff7/ and explore it, while your there go and watch the trailer
also I saw a video some one made of them playing DC multiplayer at http://www.adventchildren.net/ so go check that out too.this doesn't have to do with this but, I just saw on Amazon.com that Kingdom Hearts II comes out April 15, or atleast tahts when they start shipping

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Right on duude. The multiplayer is going to kick ass, i hope. The story might be ok, dunno.I'm not even sure the Multiplayer component will make it over to the States. In Japan, it requires the PS2 Hard Drive and a monthly fee. I don't have a Hard Drive, and I don't think I'd be willing to pay $10 a month to play online... 

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- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Well, I've got some good news...and some bad news.http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html ... 24449Turns out the U.S. version of Dirge of Cerberus is NOT gonna have a Multiplayer component. However, we get some very important changes to the game. First, Vincent will run faster than in the Japanese version. Good thing, because he looked so slow in the gameplay videos. But, now they've given Vincent a double jump! YES! As Snape said some time ago, Vincent jumped like 3 inches in the air. I think this is great news! If you read the article, it looks like they added a few more things. While I'll probably miss the multiplayer, I still can't wait for this game! 

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