JKII problems
JKII problems
First of all:I'm having these black boxes for several months already and I cant solve it....thoughts?Second of all:My internet...in the last couple of days I constantly lag out especially when the server is full with people or when I'm playing on a heavy map like Wov or helmsdeep.Note: Ping doesn't matter here, I lag out in servers where I have a ping of 40 and in servers where I have one of 150, it doesn't happen frequently in the first one but still..Third of all:My ping is pretty high since a week just when the internet problems began, today it even jumped for for 50-60 points, like: 125-180, and it kept jumping.Well... 

Black box's are usually missing textures.Internet might be down to your ISP, give them a call and see if they're having problems or if they can fix yours.Ok but how can I solve that, I've tried countless things
Note: I dont have a router.But maybe my videocard gets overheated on some heavy maps and that my pc shuts itself down, it's plausible though.More explanations?

i say get a better video cardthe lag, sometimes when i lag i just turn off my comp for like 5 minutes then come back on and it runs perfectly until i use other progsYes..I'm encountering less lag when I take msn off and other background programs.Videocard ..lets see...: Geforce FX 5200, ...when I bought it like 3 years ago it was the best card out there
I'm getting an ATI x1600 pro soon , would this solve (a bit of) the lag problem ?

- FoUster
- Posts: 2531
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm