basically, after a loooong time of being afk on radiant i return without legs or genitalia to triumphantly declare my wealth!with 3 houses and a pa hall full of shit that is now un-attainable in the game i ventured to the ruins of the fou city and excaated what building i could find. still standing i could search guesswho, millah, rion, like 6 crash/hatchetman buildings and even that dark resource house that was in place before we settled (i dont know if u remember it but when we scouted the location it was sitting there....and it still is.) i ventured inside my storage house and find ship components, resources, and jedi stuff as i ventured into my "home" i found my decorations still intact and looking cool as ever! then i turned around staring the behemoth that is the FoU PA in the eyes and charged inside. i found so much booty johnny depp would shit himself. among the priceless paintings and weapons i found a backpack full of harry potter memorabilia. and btw, all my buildings had a mere 18 hours of maintenance money inside them. talk about timing o, and someone wants to say hi.
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- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm