preordered already waiting for wednesday so i can pick it up before work yayayayayayaand while you are at work I will be peeping tom with ♥ sup cutie I Love you Kam!go die or something flapjacks mcgee Don't cry Desu, I'll get him for you!
what about singleplayer, i love multiplayer in these games but once in a while singleplayer is nice to do?it seems like the next gen Battlefield (i forgot the name) coming out for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 will have a real singleplayer campaign.
did you people heard about the spyware that might be in games (thanks to ea)Yeah.. I'm waiting to hear if there's some kind of fix or way to block it. I read that someone actually got a notice from their ISP because at the time they were downloading NHL 07, another EA game, and that the ISP had gotten the report from EA themselves. Wonder how they did that?
I bought this game when it came out and it's awesome so far. My internet's been down for the past few days so my rank isn't really where I want it to be.
So me and two other of my real life friends got this. We played BF2 occasionally... but not enough. For some reason BF2142 appeals more to us, and I see us playing it a lot more than BF2. I think its because the way they made the game with the new weapons its more fast paced. By that I mean the guns are more accurate and they really made squads a LOT more useful. I think its the fact that they balanced the classes out a lot better, as far as weapons go. Snipers actually don't suck for once, and the way the unlocking system works it makes you "specialize" better the way the unlocking design is. In BF2 I actually didn't like the fact that one moment I could be an engineer with everything off the bat, then switch over to medic and be fully functional. Don't get me wrong, they can still do this even in BF2142... but it'll be a guy whos earned it with a really high rank to have a bunch of unlocks.As far as the spyware/ad bullcrap goes... I honostly don't care. So far I have yet to see any sign of anything different than BF2 at all as far as spyware and ads go. As long as they aren't scanning my computer and seeing what illegal porn and movies/games I have, I have no problem with it
The EA Master server went down for a few hours this morning and when it came back up.... IT WAS FIXXED!!! No more disconnects every 3 minutes! Time to frag!