[EoS] leaving jk2

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Post by Eat_More_Goats »

I'll be knee deep in SWG when it comes out. I plan to drown in the glory that is living in the Star Wars universe until my lungs are full of gungan snot. Usually when I choose a game I stick with it until something really good pulls me out of it, it's just that MMOs have a habit of having a lifespan of ~5 years as opposed to ~1 like most FPS types. I loved MOHAA to death and ruled in it but I don't play anymore after 6 months, I simply did everything there was to do in that game. It will take years to do everything there is to do in SWG, especially with new content added constantly.There are a few clans that I know of that cross over into other games and still have a central hub. Who knows, maybe in 10 years from now we'll have an army large enough to start a cult and take over the world. I know I certainly don't want to lose track of this group when we branch into SWG and JK3.Love, Goats
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Post by Christian »

well, we won't lose contact as long as the forum exists. no worries :)
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Post by Ender »

Chris is almost as wise as......... wait a minuet! Thats was a lie Chris isnt wise. :wink:
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Post by Christian »

damn you Ender to the pits of hell......or new jersey :rofl:
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Post by MasterJade »

Luke is right, we are not dead, far from it. Some of our older members are tired and are taking a well deserved rest. Why this concerns FoU I have no idea. And Taco, just for your information I am niether an asshole, nor am I skilled, but im still an EoS and I dont apretiate your comments. And Devilmaycry I get the feeling I know u from somewhere but I cant put my fingure on it, lol.
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Post by TacoBell »

If I may say. I was wrong for making that generalization...I apolligize for my comment. I was just wrong by making it. But I have had a rough history with EoS clan as a whole. At one time you guys used me. Someone you may have no idea of this and that is not your fault, but Luke and Jade I am sorry for posting what I posted. I was wrong for what I said. Sure EoS and when I say 'EoS' I mean the majority of you guys...have brought many dark days to this game with your 'competive' style, I would not call using the word 'ownage' in someones face when they are abovisoulsy down, but EoS has changed down the road for the better, Beliel and others are much enjoyable to be around with.Still...I do have the right to my opionion, but I don't have a right to embarss or to hurt others.So once again..I say sorry.Good Luck To You All.
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Post by MasterJade »

Thank you Taco, I can safley say I gained a whole lot of respect for you after that last post. I dont have a problem with fou, I just want everyone to be clear on EoS's position before these rummors grow beacuae I feel personaly responsible for them.
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Post by Cypher »

although I don't know many eos that well ive always respected it and thought of it as a good clan... Some of its members ive known and respected for quite a while. Belial and I used to kick around the noobs on the DBD server whitch used to be the BBB funfraggers server. And i think luke endured the wrath of my dreaded lightning whoring back when i was a noob.. lol
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