Who's getting a Wii, and who's getting a PS3?
25 malls in the us of a stayed open past normal hours and st.louis had 3 of em. not only did i get to sit indoors the entire time but i was 10 feet away from the food court and 20 feet away from a merry-go-round (with this bitchin tea cup that u could spin at extremely high speeds...more on that later) anyway i stayed inside a mall for 6 hours then had to actually sit in line for 2 hours at which time i played lots of ds games with other random people in line and surprisingly won most of them (ive played my ds for a total of maybe 4 hours since ive had it.)the wii sensor is pretty cool. its sensitive enough that u dont actually have to swing your entire arm that it only requires a flick with your wrist. but then again half the fun of some of the games like wii sports is actually making a full swing as u hit a homerun.very pleased with this console and zelda as well. i was afraid that it would kinda stink with the whole wolf side of the story but so far its cool. went to blockbuster but they had a line at opening and red steel was instantly out so ill have to wait on it. 

- Posts: 2021
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
I ended up waiting in Wal-marts like from 5 to 12 and got the 20th Wii. They had 30 in stock, and the target near us got 60 of em. I've been over my friends since the 19th, brought my Wii over, and played it a bunch. We had a good couple of parties since his pops was out in Ohio and boy I gotta say this thing is a really hot console! Everyone loves it... even the girls who usually hate video games. I've played the fuck out of Wii sports and it STILL isn't boring - just totally addictive. I also have Zelda and Red Steel, and Zelda is my favorite game right now. I have a good 25 hours into it and it has yet to get boring! As for Red Steel I would say its actually a bit over-rated but still really fun and a solid launch title. If your still deciding on a Wii, PS3, or even a 360, get a Wii. I even got a 2000 points gift card and got super mario 64 and sonic!Edit: I fucking own in bowling. High score of 240! My Mii is pro! Owned!!!!!