Gears of War
I DON'T HAVE A GAMERTAG!!!I'm playing on my friends 360 like Anus said and he isn't online (yeah he's a nub).Well we've completed GoW already after about 3-4 hours of playing. Final verdict? Great game but way too fuggin' short. Multiplayer does look like a lot of fun but single player should have been twice as long as it was.Chainsaw r00lz!

k just lettin ya'll know that my buddy (shoem for those who play online) had a birthday a few days ago and decided to buy a scratcher to sorta "go crazy" that fucking son of a bitch won $100 bucks....anyway he bought gears of war and cod3 with his money and has been playing them, but he said that before he leaves for college he would drop em off so in a day or two those games are mine! seeya online bitches!

- FoUster
- Posts: 2797
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
NOOBSregarding my micit's actually my system, i got a 'new' one, aka refurb, and it barely recognizes the controller, sometimes not at all, and the headsets wont work, i'm guessing it has something to do with the weakness in receiving a signal...or something. I have a second party xbox headset and the crappy out of the box one. And I own spyke. No, seriously.