I suck
I suck
ok, ive been trying to edit this fuckin pic and its driving me insaneim just going for something simple now, but i cant get the effect i wanti have to put two heads over a house (fuckin old people)and i want to do an egg shape around the heads either blurry edges or some kind of frame, i was parousing des's tutorials finding either dead links or nothing relevant.
- Posts: 6979
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
Duh! He said 2 heads over the house Spyke!If you had 3 mangos and your fat ass ate one, what do you have left?Open that beast in Photoshop, grab your pen tool, cut away the priest in the middle.Copy and paste the new edited pic in a new document filled with white. Grab your Round Lasso tool, drag your egg shape you want around the pic, right click the selection - select feather 10 pixels and Boom, faded edges and an egg shape just for you ReD!Now take a break and enjoy a big fat warm bag o' milk!