every1 in our guild is active, which is lots of fun.ive heard heather wants to join our guild again, this is fine by me but i dunno how u guys think about it. also step is gonna play again (so i've heard) we need to send him an invitation . kalzakath plays WoW so i dont know if he gets back to guild wars. i dont know if Quid is gonna play again, you are invited so you only need to accept it when u get on
.when we have enough people we can try to defeat the evil bonedragon : Rotscale. or afcourse beat each other up in our GH or have a dance championship :Pjim and john already have temple of ages as an outpost so we can start from there, that is if we have enough people afcourse.keep up the activity and have lots of fun.cheers ~Ori

As a Finishing touch. god created the dutch

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