Thought we should list our contact information for the games and systems we play here:PC:Guild Wars: Yun ArosaBattlefield 2: SpecOpTurtleXBox Live: SpecOpTurtleGears of WarHalo 3ChromehoundsRainbow Six: Las VegasWii: I'll update this soon, can't remember my code.DS: No online games yet, will have soon maybe.
JKII - My god do I even need to post this one?Counter Strike: Source - Rampage, BoSS Gamers 24/7 Office serverGuild Wars - Tsu KaharaStarcraft - US East - masteredcloud, US West - Elgar
Xbox live: ZukasaCOD 4Gears of WarHalo 3Crackdownand Table Tennis (if anyone wants to play) :DGuild Wars: Forsaken Law/any name followed by LawSteam: Outlaw
steam: foujordanCS: Sdeathmatchteam fortressGuild Wars: Jordan the Loneoh yeah i play starcraft omfg someone come play and teach me how to play better cos i suckalsoCommand & Conquer: Generalsand soon maybe Tiberium Wars