fou olympics game list.. sorta
fou olympics game list.. sorta
ok i decided to sort through all the stuff and post a list of games. special maps are not yet public. games with a set ammount of people are listed.LAST MAN STANDINGmap: any map with a lot of rooms. force: allwinners: 1description: people have 5 min to hide, and then after that it is a free for all with one life. no telling where ppl are hiding once defeated.GET THE MILLERmap: ??force: saber throw and jumpwinners: 1description: miller must run away and can do whatever he wants but the others must only use saber throw to kill miller. if anyone besides miller is killed a point is deducted from your score. whoever gets miller the set ammount of times wins.FOOT RACEmap: fou_racewayforce: noneparticipants: 12 or 24 plus one booth operator winners: 3 if you count 2nd and 3rd placedesccription: 6 people race at a time for 10 minutes, this is when the starting gates go back up. the booth operator then presses the button that indicates the final lap, then the racers have to jump into the bar above the gates, which sends them to the podium. if 12, the top 3 of two heats advance. if 24, there are 4 heats of 6. then the top three in each are seeded for the next round of 2 heats, and then the top three of those participate in the final heat.ROYAL RUMBLEmap: ffa_tmbjforce: noneparticipants: 6 groups of 6winners: 1description: the people in the ring arena of tmbj, with god mode on, try and push the others out of the ring using knockback. i dont think grip push or pull would be a good idea since it takes away the fun. the winners of each 6 heats fight in the final round for bragging rights.MANHUNT map: helms deep oldparticipants: ?force: all but sight and mind trickwinners: the original red or the remaining bluesdescription: one red player tries and finds the blue players around the map. if a blue is killed, then he joins red and assists. if any blues are left after 30 min, they win but if red gets em all, red wins.ASSASSINATIONtaco's description:Red Team-Has 8 Players And One of the eight is a President. The red team has to guard the Presdietn with their lives...and heres why... Blue Team-4 Players All assisains and they have to kill the President or any guard that gets in their way... To Win... Red Team Victory- Each Round Is 15 Min Long, and if the red team holds off the blue team for the whole time, they win. Blue Team Victory-Just kill the President within the time limit. ZERO-G UPRISINGmap: u2force: allwinners: 1guns: tenloss disruptor rifle (aka sniper you dorks)gravity: 100ishdescription: a ffa with snipers and low grav on u2THERMALBALLmap: fou_thermalballwinners: red or blue team, # of players per team undecidedforce: noneguns: thermal detonatordescription: a time limited game (undecided) where the teams must throw thermal detonators at each other through holes in the wall dividing the teams. however, there are danger spots where you cant step or you'll die so you better watch where you are jumping.LONG JUMPmap: fou_longjumpwinners: 1force: jump onlydescription: people run up to the jump pad and see how far down the lane they can float.TACO BALLtaco's description:This game is pretty simple and can be played with teams or 1 on 1 atmosphere. The map used for this on is Star....In the Main Room there is that whole in the floor with the elevator. The Object of the game is to pull, push or kick your enemy into the hole to score a point or a goal. Very simple consept. Kicking, Pulling or Pushing are only aloud, if any other force power is used the person responiable for it will get a point deducted from their score. Teams matches have to be watched by a referee or two from spectate. They have to watch the hole to see the people go into it and to add or deduct points. In the case of a 1 on 1 match if someone uses a force power other than push, pull or kick they automatically lose that round but with teams, they just get kills deducted. You play till 20 or something or whatever you decide. ok thats it... try not to post here

yeah Sunday was what I had planned anyway... I'll post a thread for people to sign up when I get home.Cyph... you can bunny hop to your hearts content but remember these two golden rules - 1. TruV is the fastest damn bunny hopper in the world and 2. force is allowed so you can be pulled back at any time.