Add me fuckers, only one who added me was Mushy, I love you my lil turtle.I got the game so request me already dammit.GT = FoU ZERO ENNA
I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
Add me fuckers, only one who added me was Mushy, I love you my lil turtle.I got the game so request me already dammit.GT = FoU ZERO ENNApretty sure i have u as a friend but i think we only hooked up in gears once =/
Thats cause you a fucking Anus Anus! Redundant but true. Gears still best shooter to date in my mind. CoD4 is good in its own right but theres really no skill involved. Gears of War 2 will just plain own everything and GTA 4 already does.Xbox 360 Ownz all like I said it wud bitches!
I work at burger king making flame broiled whoppers I wear paper hats. Would you like an apple pie with that? Would you like an apple pie with that? Ding!! Fries are done. Din
It's weird, whenever I go and play GTA I never want to play online! I'm too involved in the story. I'm ready to play online now though, so let's do it. Enna if you want to shoot me an invite it's:quiddy v2SWEET.
I completed the main story arc, and I'm going to take my time with the achievements and left over missions so the game lasts. Multiplayer is my focus now.
What radio station do people prefer?Talk is pretty funny but I'm not too keen on most of the music stations on this one. The Journey has some good 'uns (can't help but laugh every time Goodbye Horses comes on) but the majority are quite shitty. Bring back Flashback!