Ok gang let's try and organise it for this Sunday coming (18/05/03) at the usual time of around 1-3pm Eastern. If Drep would do the honors we can have it in his hood 'cos HoP only handles 16 and I'm hoping for more sign-ups then that.The gametypes will be decided for definite during the week with links provided to any necessary maps that will be required to play some of the games. To those who didn't read the 'Now for something completely different' thread, this tourney won't consist of any of the 8 main gametypes but will be several mini games thought up by FoUsters, some of thich have been tried and tested and have become very popular. Hell, I saw manhunt being played on someone elses server the other day. Good stuff.Anyway this should be a killer fun event and I'm hoping as many people as possible will show up on the day... the only thing that needs to be said is that since this isn't a default gametype a LOT of organisation needs to take place and in order for that to happen a lot of people will have to shuddup and listen! So sign up here gang and let the FoU 2003 Olympic Games begin!!!