The Force Unleashed
Just beat this baby this morning. It was freaking awesome. It goes give you the option for light or dark side ending. I went light to see what happened and now im gonna go back to see the dark side ending. Good game overall. im impressed. Wish it was a little longer though :(The apprentice is fucking awesome!
i also beat it. did it on hard (sith lord, if im right) and the last level at the begin was a bitch. took about 2 hours to pass it..[spoiler:b16998c717] i also think darth sidious is waaay overpowerd with his stupid lightning stunning you so you can do shit[/spoiler:b16998c717].. besides those 2 things... super cool game. btw any1 know where i can find that black saber crystal?
As a Finishing touch. god created the dutch

i also beat it. did it on hard (sith lord, if im right) and the last level at the begin was a bitch. took about 2 hours to pass it..[spoiler:8370b3ea37] i also think darth sidious is waaay overpowerd with his stupid lightning stunning you so you can do shit[/spoiler:8370b3ea37].. besides those 2 things... super cool game. btw any1 know where i can find that black saber crystal?No idea, im going back through the game with all my costumes and abilities and collecting all holocrons
i love playing this game!
. The black saber is from a holocron and so is one of the hidden outfits. Its a dark sith robe, all i know is that its found in the second lvl.

i also beat it. did it on hard (sith lord, if im right) and the last level at the begin was a bitch. took about 2 hours to pass it..[spoiler:74bfc0c397] i also think darth sidious is waaay overpowerd with his stupid lightning stunning you so you can do shit[/spoiler:74bfc0c397].. besides those 2 things... super cool game. btw any1 know where i can find that black saber crystal?No idea, im going back through the game with all my costumes and abilities and collecting all holocrons
i love playing this game!
. The black saber is from a holocron and so is one of the hidden outfits. Its a dark sith robe, all i know is that its found in the second lvl.found it already
, the black saber is in the death star level . when you are going on those gravity lifts. go all the way up. and look around you, you'll spot it

As a Finishing touch. god created the dutch

- FoUster
- Posts: 2797
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm
- FoUster
- Posts: 2797
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:24 pm