Heroes Season 3 thread
from aintitcoolnews, quoted from wikipediaIn literary and film criticism, an idiot plot is a plot which (in the words of the Turkey City Lexicon), "functions only because all the characters involved are idiots: They behave in a way that suits the author's convenience, rather than through any rational motivation of their own." Alternate formulations describe only the protagonist as being an idiot.last chance for heroes tonite...
I'd say this episode was a little better. Atleast we now know how Lindermen is in people's heads and the puppet master dude is creepy bwhahaha and is gonna rape claire and both her moms :shock:who was that guy on the end ? maury said something about ghost mr petrelli or something... peters and nathans dad?and wtf is mohinder doing?? he had like..... 0 reasons to kill those guys (can't realy tell they are alive can i)claire's dad is an asshole btw
As a Finishing touch. god created the dutch

They're not dead, just cocoon i guess. And Peter and nathan's dad looks like he is awake but was this really powerful mind power. I don't think he is a ghost or anything. And that vortex power was badass IMOhas his power been confirmed? cause if anything i think his power is paralysis of some sort cause he said to angela that you wont even be able to move. and the fact that he looks awake but didnt move could mean that they somehow used his power against him like mirror boy the boy who reflects powers or something stupid

actually, hasn't been as terribly written the last few eps, i like that the father is in play, and has like, power stealing ability, could level the field. And I really like that Sylar is becoming good, that's interesting. The one really stupid thing tho, is that Hiro goes back in time a few times, even tho he says he wouldn't do it anymore, and he does the stupidest things (going back in time to tell Ando to play dead, instead of going back and stopping Adam from escaping, and then the whole black guy/prophet part.