TGS: Prince of Persia
This game is fantastic, but it does have its flaws.You can't die. Simple as that. If you fall to your "death", Elika grabs hold of you and you go back to the last platform you were on. The only time that throws you back a ways is after a long slidey/swingy section but it's never anything too bad. If you die in a fight, Elika protects you but the enemy will regain a large amount of health to compensate. You also have the option of Elika showing you where to go after selecting a destination ala Dead Space, so not much chance of getting lost.A part of me also misses the combat from the first three games, when you run around while kicking ass against hordes of evil sand dudes. In this, you never encounter more than one enemy at a time and the encounters themselves are very spaced out.That aside... it looks, sounds and feels amazing to play. I just wish they would have made it a bit harder.Oh yeah and are spot on - they must mention 'fertile grounds' every couple of minutes.

Actually in pure frustration I banged my ps3 so that the game froze. Mission Accomplished. I died.No not really, but I miss the part about the platforming being 'hard'. It's so... fucking easy. And most of the time when its extended jumps/teleport stuff I put one hand in my pants and then just press jump or Magic. Then the screen starts to show the pretty place because I'm so caught up with having my hand down my pants.In the eventual PoP2 it will most likely be more violent, the prince starts to listen to metal and cuts his own hair... then he discards Elika for a really neat knife that lets him reverse time.. And water heals you.
After playing a bit more i become disappointed with this game because of how repetitive it is. Kill one guy, move on. Fight one of the four bosses several times, he runs away. Collect Light seeds gain a new power and move on. Running around the doing the acrobatics of collecting light seeds is the most fun. Otherwise its the same thing over and over again. Reminds me to much of Assassins creed where i go to a new area and do the same thing over and over again. The story is cool, i wonder if there gonna be some plot twist towards the end. Other than all that level design and combat is fun. The prince is funny but not as cool as the other one.