Heroes Season 3 thread
This series is worse than... well, every comic that has a habit of bringing people the fuck back from the dead. Seriously, fuck the current crew, keep Hiro but make him future-bad-ass and remove everyone else.I mean last time Peter had Sylars powers, didn't he go on a.. 2 episode rampage (that sucked)? This series has deeper plot holes then Outlaws mom.
I wasnt happy at all. They killed nathan, LEAVE IT AT THAT GOD DAMN IT! Stacey is obviosuly gonna start killing agents and probably try and kill nathan who is really sylar. Slyar will remember that he is sylar because his mind will heal unless parkmen keeps him in check. You can tell they are still trying to fix heroes because they killed off or just got rid of every new hero they have introduced. They basically made it the core group again. Hiro having his powers make him sick was just odd and out of no where. Ando needed to be blasting people away more. How come no one ever kills any of the fucking bad guys in this damn show? They made every good guy a pussy who is like "we just cant kill them, THATS BAD! instead lets just lock them up where they can maybe escape again to cause problems". Sylar is still a pretty good villian, they just fucked up his entire role in this series by making him bounce from bad guy, good guy, bad guy.
Gaaarghghrauunnghhh...That was the sound I made after watching the series finale. Totally agree with ReD, I cannot believe they did it again. It was bad enough when future Pete faced off with future Sylar behind closed doors, but this was even worse and was so unnecessary, it's like they did it just to piss people off. Why have a show about super powers if you're never going to show them.And who cares that Nathan died? He died before didn't he, just inject some of hot cheerleaders blood into him and he'll be back up and flying in no time. Same as when Noah was killed. They seem very selective with remembering these things. Tricking Sylar into being Nathan?! Surely the moment he cuts himself and heals he'll catch on. SYLAR MOVING HIS WEAK-SPOT?!?!? What, he just moved a part of his brain somewhere else in his body and all is well? I agree with Outlaw too with the am I good am I bad shit, fucks sake just leave him as a bad guy and have done with it.If it weren't for Hiro and Bad Sylar I'd be done by now.