new radiant, new map!
new radiant, new map!
ok my old radiant fucked and died, so i got a new radiant and since the old radiant made fou_town, i cant make that so therefore it is dead BUT ive already started on FFA_BF2!!!! hopefully it will be uploaded to HoP this time

Hola Nephew!I hope everything is well, hows your father? say hi to the family for me!Anyways: ive got new plans for my room so scratch my previous ideas. Ok:- still has the secret entrance through the poweraid maching- everything is upisde down, cause im so CRAAAZY- have a long table wich is on the ceiling with chairs and stuff- have these giant portruding faces on the wall with like their mouths open- in one of the mouths is a secret entrance to...uh....something cool like another room with anythingOR- you can jump up inbetween the space bewtween the table and the ceilings and there is a little hole leading up which can lead to a secret roomit will be CRAAAAZY COOLjust let me know if you can do that stuff{BF}Darth Bob's Uncle