Most Random Thing Uve Ever Found
i have two interesting, one i found, one i planted..muahahahok,1st when i used to work at McDonalds, I would always get the fun job of checking the men's room...*sigh, the plunger was usually a must, but the weirdest was when someone shoved a newspaper into the shitter...kinda funny..i dunno..maybe they ran out of toilet paper.. :2nd I had to work a 7 hour shift, and you dont get actual breaks where i work, but you can eat to the side, but if a customer comes, you have to tend to them first (kinda shitty) ANYWHO, I brought food to work, but didnt get a change to eat it all, so I put the rest in my pocket when i went home. I later went to the show with my girl, with a banana still in my pocket. I forgot about it until I went to the bathroom, where apon I left it on the toilet seat for some poor usher to find and think dirty dirty thigns....hehehe
When i was was the freakiest thing i ever was me and 2 friends in my back yard...and there are like..these turkey things all over the place...must have been like 6 or 7...they had no fur or like feather...they were all was so weird and freaky....
They say ignorance is bliss, i say your just plain stupid.