I wouldnt go for the AT-ST its getting the nerf stick very soon... in beta there is a way to get 30k fact points in 2 hours and i know how aso if we get a group of 20 rebels togther we can go to tyrena and do it....
nerf stick = AT-ST will now suck.... Nerf Stick is what the dev's wield to make sure nothing is too powerful.... also they will be balancing classes soon so pray ur career doesnt get hit...
becuase everyone will have them... its kind of gay, so unless they made all rebels able to take down AT-STs with ease it will get NERFED.SMugglers already been nerfed, it will probly get hit again, i want them to add smuggling missions once space expansion is out...
bethazor were trying to get a point across here... DONT BE AN IMPERIAL, everythings getting the nerf stick becuase the game wasnt ready for completion when it was released..