[flash width=550 height=400:128a79cb84]http://shadow.aphony.org/images/spyke.swf[/flash:128a79cb84][code:1:128a79cb84][/code:1:128a79cb84]Well, there it is spyke.... . but it still isnt working for me...... arrrggggDoes it work for anybody else?Ok, I put it on a white background, but i dont have the font spyke so you gotta fix it and send it back.I couldnt fix the transperency issue but.... I made the first layer a white square so that the file would play on top of it, That way at least everyone can see it.So spyke all you need to do is insert a layer of a white square large enough to cover the whole movie and it will play fine.Or actually spyke just send me the font.. I can re-incorperate the font with the flash above.So heres spykes flash minus one kickass font.
Alright guys i have had a hard time doing this cause im not taht advanced yet so therfor all the credit for you guys being able to see goes to erb,. So Thanks Erb for ur help with this. Hope you guys dont think its too bad
My problem is that for some reason its being displayed on a black background for me, Thats also probably why all flashes look crappy and glitchy for me.Anybody know how i can fix this problem?