We could scrub the idea and hunt kimos... but again wed need a commando i might just kill mercs on lok for exp.. lol i need 300k then im master pistoleer.
Well the kryat hunt i went on sucked ass with cyph,anus yoda and some other people.First off some prick refused to heal rebels because "im a roleplayer haha look how cool i am haha".Then Everyone split up to find kryats they found one all charged into it with no at-st and well lets just find bits of arms and legs can be found in the krayt dung.The survivers me and cyph and anus and some other people continued looking cyph gave up and i killed him me and anus decide to run up a hill and what did we meet? A giant canyon kryat and some other people.We killed about 3 of them and i scammed the noobs into giving me there kryat stuff.I stayed out there for like 2 days hunting kryats and got like 28 scales sold at 15k each shabba 420k. and some tissue. Guys we should do this again but be more organised and have a little patience.