What side will we be on, if any?

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What side will we be on, if any?

Post by Snape »

I reckon either join the rebels or just remain neutral, what fo you guys think?
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Post by Step »

I'll be a Jedi? LOL you guys pick, i suggest rebellion tho :)
{FoU} Step
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Post by ArchAngel »

neutral :wink:
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Post by Christian »

neutral would give us options but i like the Rebellion. but i'll say neutral just to appease Arch (he wants to turn to the darkside, lol).
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Post by TacoBell »

Nuetral or Rebelion.
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Post by ArchAngel »

if everyone wants to be rebellion then i be rebellion i just really want to play thats all either side is fine for me :wink:p.s.and i too am thinkin about goin jedi, i have to learn more about it first.if anyone has any info on becoming a jedi i would like to know :wink:
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Post by Snape »

6.01 Will I be able to play a Jedi?Yes. Although the details are still being worked out, we are staying true to the spirit of the films. Therefore, the journey to become a Jedi will be difficult, but those players who choose this path with find it very rewarding.6.02 Will there be a numerical limit on the number of Jedi allowed on each server?No. We're not using artificial means such as quotas or caps to limit the Jedi population. We're designing an organic system that will allow the Jedi population to fluctuate over time.6.03 Will only the extremely lucky or hardcore players get to play Jedi?Jedi status is not determined based on "luck." However, Jedi is considered an advanced objective to achieve within the game. Casual and hardcore players alike can reach this objective, because the path is different for different players. However, it might take a casual player considerably longer to unlock a Force Sensitive character slot. 6.04 Is it possible for other species to become Jedi?Yes. Any player, regardless of character species, has the potential to become a Jedi. 6.05 Can I become Dark Jedi?Eventually. Considering that you must become a Jedi first, we don't expect many people to have the opportunity to fall to the dark side when we release. We'll add the capability for player Dark Jedi in an early update. We're creating the Jedi system to take into account Dark Jedi. However, be warned that the life of a Dark Jedi will be very perilous... 6.06 Can I become a Sith Lord in the game?No, although players may be able to become Dark Jedi, they will not be able to become Sith Lords. The films explicitly state that there are only two Sith Lords at any given time, and the two during the time of Star Wars Galaxies have been clearly identified as the Emperor and Darth Vader. 6.07 Can I have a title like "Jedi Knight" or "Jedi Master"?We're planning to include Jedi titles, like "Jedi Knight" and "Jedi Master" in the game. Dark Jedi would likely have the same titles as the regular Jedi (Dark Jedi Knight, Dark Jedi Master)6.08 Will you have the "Jedi Trials" in the game?We have decided that in order to be more faithful to the time period of the game not to put in official "Jedi Trials". Player Jedi Masters may come up with their own requirements for whether they choose to apprentice, however we feel the true "trial" will just be surviving.6.09 How will Force powers be implemented?Force powers will function much like skills in Star Wars Galaxies - we're actually using the same basic set of rules for both systems. Like skills, Force powers will be divided into several disciplines, allowing players to select specific powers and areas of focus. 6.10 If I am a Jedi with a lightsaber, will I be able to block blaster shots and perform other cool lightsaber tricks?Lightsabers will have all the same capabilities as those seen in the film, but a lightsaber doesn't automatically confer special abilities to the wielder - a Jedi will still need the proper skills and training to master things like "blaster reflection." 6.11 Can I build my own lightsaber?Yes, but we're following a few simple rules that have been established by the continuity of Star Wars such as: Only Jedi can manufacture lightsabers. Building a lightsaber is difficult. Only Jedi can use lightsabers effectively. A Jedi is more skilled with his or her personal lightsaber than with a "borrowed" lightsaber. 6.12 How long will it take a Jedi to construct his lightsaber?This will probably come down to balancing, with our starting duration based on the continuity. We don't want lightsabers to be really easy/quick to produce, but we also don't want it to take an inordinate amount of time. According to continuity, it took Luke quite some time to build his lightsaber on Tatooine and he "failed" many attempts. But, he was also working in a relative vacuum, without a Master and only Obi-Wan's journal to guide him. 6.13 Can I make a double-bladed lightsaber?Learning how to build a double-sided lightsaber will likely be more difficult than learning how to build a normal lightsaber. You will also probably need more components (additional crystals, for example). And, we may make it more difficult to learn how to wield the weapon effectively, since so few Jedi have spent the time necessary to master the double-bladed lightsaber, and it is so rare during the original trilogy's time period. 6.14 Can lightsabers get old and "break"?We will have item decay in the game, and this will affect lightsabers as well. However, a Jedi has the knowledge necessary to maintain a lightsaber, preventing such decay.6.15 Can I choose what color my lightsaber will be?We will offer multiple lightsaber colors.6.16 Will players be able to choose to become a Dark Jedi from the start, or must they become Jedi then fall? According to the continuity, most dark Jedi start off as Jedi and then "fall." In our game system, you have to become a Jedi first.6.17 How do Jedi work?Your main character does not become a Jedi. Rather, the actions of your main character can unlock an additional character slot which is Force-sensitive. Characters created in this additional slot can then advance through the Jedi skills as well as any of the other skills in the game. Each player account allows for only one potential Jedi slot and the mysterious method to unlock it won't be the same for every player.6.18 How are you going to keep Jedi rare?Jedi characters suffer permadeath unless they reach Jedi Master status. You do not lose the Jedi character slot, but the character in that slot is deleted. Upon reaching Jedi Master status, Jedi become "blue glowies" rather than permadying when they die. In order to compensate for deaths that are completely out of control of the player (such as ones caused by network latency) each Jedi will be able to die a couple times before death is permanent. The life of a Jedi is extraordinarily difficult, and successfully making it all the way to Jedi Master should be considered the most difficult challenge in the game.That do ya Arch?! 8)
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Post by ArchAngel »

lmao, yeah i guess so :wink: i don't know i think that eliminates me from being jedi jeez. i'll only be able play like 3 or 4 hours a night if even that, but i don';t know i might be still willing to try.the building your own lightsaber part really caught my eye, (thinks about darth maul saber and drools) :wink: if you reach jedi master i wonder if you can take on a padawan. or someone can take you on as a padawan and train that'd be cool, like qui gon and obi wan :wink:
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Post by TacoBell »

The questions is...do we want to build a Base or a Town?
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Post by ArchAngel »

i think if we go with rebellion we should build a base, and if we do neutral go with a town :wink:
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